
???? Frequently Asked Questions ????

Q: Where is The School Shoe Factory situated?

A: Please click HERE to go to our contact page.

Q: Does The School Shoe Factory Manufacture or Import the shoes?

A: We manufacture the shoes onsite, with fully automated machinery.

Q: Are the shoes made of good quality materials?

A: High quality leather is procured from well known vendors to bring out exclusive footwear. We have strict quality control procedures in place, thus ensuring the end product is always of a superb quality and finish.

Q: Do you use hand operated machines or industrial machines?

A: We use fully automated machinery. We have an injection moulding machine on site.

Simple techniques to make children's clothing

Children clothes can cost as much as adult garments. You can save a lot of money by using some simple techniques to make your own clothing for children. There are so many notions that you can use to apply on children’s clothing to make it look more fancy. Any left over fabrics can be used up to make beautiful clothing for children. The easiest way to start making clothing for children, is to get your tape measure and take the measurements of the child. Then use a good fitting dress, and compare these measurements to give you an idea, how to make the pattern for the dress or any other garment.

If you do not wish to make a pattern, and you have enough experience, you can cut directly from the fabric. Children dresses are simple to make because they do not need too many darts or cut into different shapes for fitting. You just have to gather the measurements for the dress and add some lace and ribbons for a good fitting dress.

To start making a dress, take a square piece to cloth, and use the measurements you gather to cut the top of the dress. Say the top of the dress is 10 “ inches length, and 12” width. Cut two pieces of this length for the front and back. Then fold this piece of cloth one on top the other, and measure the armhole about 5” and shape the armhole. Next, you measure the neck and shape the neck.

You can refer to the sample you use for the measurements to guide you how to shape and cut the neck, armhole and shoulders. You will need 2 darts each for the front and the back. You can fold the the front and back pieces together in two, then fold it again. At this point you will mark the point for your darts. Darts should be about 1/2” deep from the waist. Next measure the length of the skirt, and the width you wish to make the skirt according to the measurements you gather from the sample.

Laces, buttons, trimmings

For children’s clothing you can afford to use as much laces, trimmings and buttons you love, to make it look more beautiful. Children love frills, color buttons, pockets, and fancy lace. There is a wide variety of trimmings to choose from when you visit the fabric store. You can either sew the lace parallel to the waist or vertical depending on the style you choose for the dress. You can also use lace on the skirt near to the hemming which looks really stylish. The more you practice these simple techniques, the more it gets easier and you become more creative in choosing styles and colors with any left over pieces of fabrics.

After cutting the fabric for the top and bottom of the dress, you need to cut the sleeves. You will just measure the length of the sleeve and the width will depend on the length of the armhole. Using this measurement for the sleeve, fold in two, then shape one side of the fold for the armhole. At the back of the neck, you can make a make a slit on the middle, where you can attach a button with a hook for fitting. You can also use bows on the waist or elastic to give the dress shape for simple fitting. After you have all the pieces together, you attach the top of the dress to the skirt, and the sleeves to make a beautiful dress.

Cara Jahit Mata Lalat